Nov 29, 2006

Stop Talking and Start Acting Against Abortion

Passing emails and posting blogs about how horrible abortion is does not save babies' lives. We've got to start doing something bold. Let's get together and collaborate on real actions and raise the stakes. Let's start thinking outside-the-womb and come up with ideas. For now we can start with:
  • Demonstrations
  • Sit ins
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Cross Demonstrations - e.g., use demons against war and for women's rights to demons against war on babies and for rights of women babies
  • Strikes
  • Signs and staple-ups everywhere.

Obviously, we can't organize specific actions over the Web, because the baby killers misconstrue any action in advance. Use the Action Against Abortion blog: to help yourself get involved. Non violence is a first principle.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to help, but I'm not sure what to send for a team name. I am also from Boston, so I assume the team would be North? How big is AAAb now?

Ed said...

Welcome aboard. If you would like to join an action team, the teams that actually carryout actions against abortion, then you should email me with the section of the country you are in - i.e.,Midwest,Northeast, South, Southwest, West. If you want to help organize AAAb, you should email me with the name of the orgainizing team you wish to join - Privacy, Strategy, Structure or Web Use. I will reply with email address needed to join team.

Ed said...

We are just getting organized and have 14 members mostly in Boston, L.A, and Houston. Action planned for Roe vs Wade anniv, in Boston.